Wednesday, May 26, 2010

No Experience

I have been looking for a new job for a couple of months now. It's not that I am completely dissatified with my current job, I would just like a new opportunity and to challenge myself with learning something new. I have applied for several jobs at different hospitals. All of these jobs are on units that provide a higher level of care than I have experience giving. I am very honest on my resume and on my application that I do not have the experience and that I am ready to learn. However two times now I have been called (once for an in person interview and the other for a phone screening) and when they ask me about my experience, the are very taken aback about the fact that I don't have experience in the job they are hiring for and become very stand-offish and basically cut the interview short. I find it very frustrating that no one wants to teach any one anything anymore. How do people expect you to have experience if they don't give you the opportunity to obtain experience?